Notice to Admit, Grant Hardwick.

3. Your predecessor-firm, now Doak Shirreff, agreed at that time, to represent my best interests in recovering my losses from the negligent/criminal parties and/or insurance agencies; i.e.: Lawyers' Insurance Fund.

4. In June of 1994, Marvin Geekie filed a false Trial Certificate and Certificate of Readiness.

5. On February 2, 1995, you and Marvin Geekie resigned as my legal counsel, just 1 working day prior to my first trial date.

6. You acted throughout the entire contract, in a conflict of interest.

7. Your departure was abrupt, leaving me at a most critical moment.

8. Your breeched their contract with me, making it null and void, according to law.

9. Your breech of contract has caused me considerable damages that to this day are still accruing.

10. I still have my rights and remedies, guaranteed in equity.

11. You and your firm have also suffered damages on account of the position that you have taken, that I've published my account of, first by dissemination via facsimile campaign and handing out printed copies, and more recently by my website publication.

13. A filed document is a public document.

14. I have no significant control over what other people do and cannot be held responsible for their actions.

15. Being classified as I am, without prejudice or admission of correctness, as having a mental disability, creates a stigma and a significant loss of credibility, reducing one's success, quality and enjoyment in life, apart from any other contributing factor.

16. You and your firm have a professional obligation to consider my ability to pay your judgment over enforcing your judgment.

17. You and your firm have no standing in law on your position to demand that I remove my site, as a condition in your consideration in the execution of the sale of my home.

18. A happier ending for me, published on my website, say $7,000.00 as a total payout against your judgment, a significant but achievable figure for me, would in fact be mitigating those damages referred to in point 11.

19. Were the Law Society's insurer to accept such a figure, their contribution to facilitate what would still be achievable for me, we would all simply be mitigating damages.

20. Mitigating damages is merely the prudent thing to do; there is no loss of face in mitigating one's damages.

21. Your losses as a result of your generous consideration in this settlement would be an acceptable entry in your ledger, reducing your taxable income.

22. An agreeable settlement, now, would be in everybody's best interests.

The documents, the authenticity of which admission is requested, are:

1. Letter of agreement, dated November 2nd 1993, written by Marvin Geekie

2. Trial Certificate and Certificate of Readiness, filed by Marvin Geekie, June 30th, 1994.

3. Tape-recording and transcribed excerpts of the final conversation between Grant Hardwick, David Thomson and Marvin Geekie, attached and in compact disk format.

4. Letter from Grant Smith, dated August 17th, 2005.

In Reply, I recieved the following...

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