An invitation to J. Grant Hardwick: be a bigger man

David-Hunter: Thomson
725 Franklyn Road
Kelowna, British Columbia V1X 3T9

December 20th, 2004.

J. Grant Hardwick
#200 - 537 Leon Avenue
Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 2A9
Via Registered Mail
Re: Your judgment and subsequent lien on my home.
Fraud, collusion and other elements of racketeering aside, I write this letter to you, to offer you the opportunity to be a bigger man. Simply drop your lien and set aside your judgment against me. You can always write your losses off against your exorbitant income and it’s certain that such action on your part would be viewed generally as charitable.

Heaven forbid you should succeed in displacing me and I wind up living out of your dumpster.

May you and your family share in the embrace of the true meaning of Christmas this season and may that spirit of Christmas, peace, justice and mercy prevail for all man-kind, this new year and for eternity.

Let me hear back from you by letter.

Yours very truly,

David-Hunter: Thomson

c.c. your associates et al

Within days of my sending the above letter to Mr. Hardwick, I had his reply...

Due to personal circumstances and other commitments, it took more than several months to get back to him.

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