Pedophile Protection Program?- Joy McPhail - 7


Page 7

If you wish to read an already published document, please consider purchasing Mr. Nicholson's book, "Stolen Innocence". It documents his and 2 other case histories that are all quite similar in nature.

Please also visit just recently re-published (after Tripod arbitrarily removed it from their server) - an abundance of resources, dealing with everything from protection specialists to trauma specialists to lists of contact info for media and politicians. Mr. Nicholson has been compiling further compelling evidence on Michael Dunahee, John Bjornstrom, the "Bushman of the Shuswap" the Mindy Tran case.

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Another Horror Story


Divorce Court is an Industry

Karl-Heintz Eisbrenner - the Brouwer/Kuiper Case

A Tale of 2 Lawyers

Bushman of the Shuswap

WCB, Attorney General and Others, Acting in Collusion, Fraud and Other Shenanigans

Revenue Canada Caught in the Act

Eddie Haymour's Plea to the Queen

Pig in a Poke

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