You be the judge

Rose (1K)Lady CatherineRose (1K)

December 19th 2003

From our garden of eden,
Destroyed by Eve,
God restores our faith,
Before we leave.

Generational disaster,
Given without choice,
We'll stick together,
And share one voice.

I'm always with you,
One way or another,
I will always love,
And believe in
My brother!

So open your heart,
And free your mind,
Anything you dream,
Your eye's will find.

Rose (1K)xoxxox


January 17, 2004

All ways

I will always be right where I am
No matter how far I go
He'll always be right by my side
For all the highs and lows.
It doesn't matter where we go
In this world of ours
As long as we always stick together
We'll smell the wild flowers.

In this world where we're always alone
We allways have each other
To comfort all the sorrows
To care for one another.

So with you by my side
We'll concur all our dreams
Stroll through this world's forest
Just following all the streams

Every once and awhile you'll find
A soul who's unattached
So we drift from one another
And find it doesn't match

Just grab hold of life's reality
And accept things as they are
Never settle for what you've got
All ways shoot for the stars.

So many bright souls in the sky
Room for so many more
Just give it all you've got
Get on that dance floor!
We're gonna stir up a storm
Singer of silent souls
Breathing out the life
Until everyone is full.

Rose (1K)xoxxox


y know the truth,
Everything no one else knows,
The things I do not say,
Is it that they know where the blankets are?

The water from the life trickles through the darkness,
With no destination in mind,

January 18, 2004


Dude if the sun rises in the winters eye,
And the thing above the below does not rise,
Where will the children ly?

If the smile from our god does not spread the wings of your smile,
And the grass is no longer watermelon,
Who will walk the turtle?

When the future comes and god answers,
Will you ask where the past has gone and if it'll be back?

For if you don't,
Time will be lost and the end will come.
When the box of the cloud has set sail to the other world,
And there is nothing left,
Will good things come to those who wait?

Cuz if they don't,
The turtle will wonder to where the children once were,
And the light from the wind will blow kisses in the dark.

If the smile from our god does not spread its wings,
And the light from the wind no longer blows kisses in the night,
Where will the future take you?

The sun will rise in the winters' eye!
If the rain falling turned back,
And the suns leaves of life died,
Would the stars shine?

With the life of a rock in your palm,
And the death of the bumblebee near,
Would you see the darkness of day or the light through the darkness?

When the music plays,
And the hearts are lifted,
Does a monkey sleep?

When the birth of a seed
sprouts its life for others to share,
Why is it that we walk all over it?
When life is to be shared with everyone around.

The eyes in the sky winked at me as though they know the truth,
Everything no one else knows,
The things I do not say,
Is it that they know where the blankets are?

The water from the life trickles through the darkness,
With no destination in mind,
Why is it that it is in such a rush to go nowhere?
When life is in a hurry,
And no one is around,
Why does it feel pointless to live?

If there is no reason for what we do,
Or what we say,
Or whom we meet,
Why is it that we are where we are?

The things we say and the people we meet,
Are a reason to live,
The reason is out of our hands,
What happens, happens for a reason,
A reason no one knows,
But there is a point to everything!

Dreams and wishes,
Hopes from the stars,
We all live for one another,
To share our lives with each other,
To make memories last forever.

Rose (1K)xoxxox


January 18, 2004

Soaring through the sky,
On this rollercoaster ride.
Searching to find
The mistery their lies.
Folders of lies,
Filed in our minds.
When unveiled,
They won't be kind.
So expect the worst,
Of every sort.
The trama you'll find,
Within that fort.
Even evidence,
Presence the courts,
Will cause horror,
and make life short.
For what is done is done,
We can not change.
Everything happens for a reason,
To a distant range.
So look inside yourselves,
To find the reason to right.
It won't be easy,
You may even fight.
This must end,
For the future bright.
For your childrens' safety,
Never out of sight.

Rose (1K)xoxxox

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