The Politics



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Last edited, August 21,2002.

The most recent letter, dated July 10, 2002, that I have received from my Member of Parliament, Werner Schmidt.

My reply to Mr. Schmidt.

For your viewing pleasure, a letter from Werner Schmidt, my Member of.Parliament, addressed to the attorney general of B.C.

Just one of Attorney General U. Dosanjh's letters of response and also, Dosanjh's reply to Werner Schmidt. No resemblance to his duty as stated by theJudges Act 63.1

I had some difficulty convincing Mr. Schmidt that his office had any jurisdiction to become involved with my problem. Here is the 1st letter that I recieved from his local office.

And here is my reply to Mr. Schmidt's office. I think that you will agree with my position. Mr. Schmidt could find no further argument.

One more letter from Mr. Schmidt's office, dated Dec.4, 1998

Mr. Schmidt referred me to my M.L.A., John Weisbeck, Liberal M.L.A., Okanagan East. John who??? Oh yeah... right... my M.L.A. I've written to him on 3 seperate occassions, asking what it is that he has done or intends to do, regarding the glaring abuses of office, portrayed on these web pages. He has not taken the consideration to reply to any of my correspondence.

Mr. Schmidt also made reference to Canadian Judicial Council, to whom he wrote letters on my behalf. I had already corresponded with Canadian Judicial Council. Click here to read a reply from the Council, dated Oct.28, 1997.

In response to the letter that i received from Mr. Schmidt, i wrote another letter to Canadian Judicial Council, clarifying my deepest concerns.

And another reply from Canadian Judicial Council, dated, Dec.15, 1998. By the finality of this letter, I get the impression that they reviewed nothing at all, & have no intention of doing so.

A letter of reply from Anne McLellan, our federal Justice Minister.

A letter from Provincial Courts Law Officer, dated, Feb.12, 1998.

And a letter from Appeal Court Registrar, dated, June 15, 1998.

I wrote to the federal Conservative Party to see what they could do. To read a reply from Peter MacKay, dated, Feb.1, 1999, click here. To read my reply to Mr. Mackay's letter, click here. Mr. Mackay has not yet responded to my reply.

I also received a letter from Joe Clark, leader of the federal Conservative party. Click here to read what Mr. Clark said.

I even wrote to B.C. Human Rights Commission. Click here to read their reply.

How about a letter from Sindi Hawkins, Liberal M.L.A. for Okanagan West? It is amazing the volumes of correspondence that one little phrase can generate! "Let me hear back from you by letter."

Email: John Weisbeck

Email: Werner Schmidt Reform M.P.

Email: Randy White Reform MP

Email: Geoff Plant, Provincial Attorney General

Email: the Federal Justice Department

Email: UBC Faculty of Law Dean's Office

Email: Editor of The Province newspaper

Email: Prime Minister Jean Cretien

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