As we discussed, yesterday, I'm concerned that your organization, representative of the student body at OUC Kelowna North Campus, has seen fit to hold and promote what you refer to as an "all candidates' forum". Quite the contrary, according to what you told me.
You told me that you had a limited capacity and that you didn't have room to fit me in, the only excluded candidate of a total of 5 candidates, though I'm a registered candidate, representing a bona-fide, registered political party, the Canadian Action Party -
As I told you, I only weigh 110 pounds; surely you could make room for li'l ol' me.
Why would you would mis-represent to the student body, the stated purpose of your "all-candidates'" forum? Is it not imperative that in order to make informed decisions, we first require all of the information? It appears to me that you are doing those students that you are representative of, a dis-service.
I dare say, Shayne, that your position is not only contradictory to the billing of your forum but that it flies in the face of the spirit of any democratic electoral process. Your position also flies in the face of the stated purpose of academia - to create critically-thinking minds.
It is my humble opinion that many people already possess these critical-thinking skills and that somewhere in the hierarchy of your organization or perhaps the organization that controls you, a private agenda exists that wishes to censor free speech in order to circumvent the process of first gathering all of the pertinent information before making a critical decision.
It is my humble opinion that your position is obstructive of the electoral process and that it is a violation of the spirit of the Canada Elections Act.
Yours very truly,
David Thomson
CAP candidate for Kelowna - Lake Country