David Thomson
725 Franklyn Road
Kelowna, BC              no code – non-commercial
(250) 765-6826


February 13th, 2006.


Allan P. Seckel, QC
Ministry of Attorney General
PO Box 9290 Stn Prov Govt
Floor, 1001 Douglas Street
Victoria, B.C.            V8W-9J7                                         
Via Fax #: (250) 387- 6224


Dear Allan Seckel;


            Thank you for your reply, dated November 23, 2005 –


allowing me this opportunity to clear up some of your misconceptions.


To be clear, I recognize that you, Allan, have two professional capacities and that they conflict with each other; alter-egos, it appears.


First, you need to understand that I’m addressing Allan P. Seckel, the private man, acting on behalf of ALLAN SECKEL, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL, LEAD PROSECUTOR for the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. It does appear that you did reply to me in your capacity of ALLAN SECKEL, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL, LEAD COUNSEL for the LEGAL SERVICES BRANCH of the OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL for the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.


It is in your position as LEAD PROSECUTOR that I wish for you to examine the evidence that I sent to you on October 8th, 2005 –





Herein, note that the “private litigation” that you refer to, is founded in criminal fraud and various Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice, (Part IV of the Criminal Code of Canada) as well as various Offences Against the Person and Reputation (Part VIII), various Offences against Rights of Property and False Pretenses (Part IX, s. 336, 343, 361 – 363), Offences in Relation to Registers, (Part IX, s. 378) and Fraudulent Transactions Relating to Contracts and Trade (Part X, s. 379 - 380), to name but a few.


It’s all there in the material that I sent to you and even more,




http://british-columbia.ca.human-rights.org/evidence.html and

http://british-columbia.ca.human-rights.org/Application%20to%20a%20Judge.html, all published on my website; enough for you to obtain a variety of summary convictions, easily.


Any less effort on your part is bound to resemble a breach of your own public trust. 


I anxiously await your next reply at your earliest convenience.


Yours very truly,



David Thomson

October 8th, 2005 enclosures:


1.             http://british-columbia.ca.human-rights.org/AffidavitOct7.html

2.             http://british-columbia.ca.human-rights.org/AdmitRoy.html

3.             http://british-columbia.ca.human-rights.org/Grant&Marv.mp3